Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sake No. 010 "Okunokami, Junmai, Origarami"

Hey! Long time no see!

I was busy for a while, and I was not able to add this page for a while from summer. I intend to write favorite Sake as before from now on because I became slightly free recently. But it may be low-frequency.

By the way, I took only mountain climbing in this summer. The following movie is a mountain range of the Northern Alps in Nagano.

Meanwhile, I'd drunk a lot of liquor. There were 30 kinds when I counted it.
I want to introduce my favorite liquor from them.

By the way, Japan approached at the end of the year, and winter began.
At this time that anyone is cold, and is hard, it is the time when a lot of Shinshu (New-Sake) is sold.

In addition, I like Sake which was usually cooled, but I feel warmed Sake deliciously in this season.

Naturally the Japanese drinks the Sake for New Year holidays because there is culture to drink the Sake at the time of celebration in Japan. Everybody will decide favorite Sake to drink for New Year holidays!

The Sake which I introduce this time is "Okunokami, Junmai, Origarami". Some cloudiness precipitates at the bottom because this is Origarami. Surely it will be found to you by a photo.
The detailed commentary about Nigori and Origarami look at a lecture (link).

"Okunokami, Junmai, Origarami". It was a calm label in old days, but has changed into a yellow loud design for some reason this time.

You should drink it after your making two or three times of shakes and stirring it when you drink Origarami. It exhausts carbon dioxide consistently because the yeast in the Origarami is active particularly lively .It is a state same as juice carbonate. Please be careful because you let you overflow it at the time of opening when you shaked it too much,

The Origarami is a meaning called Ori (澱, lees)-Karami (絡, mix), and real nature of Ori is sake lees. It is the part that normal Sake is removed to make taste better. However, it is popular technique because there are unique taste and flavor.
The thing which this Ori was put in more than Origarami is called Nigori. It is the Sake sold a lot in a winter season mainly because the Sake which Ori was put in is easy to go bad when not heated.


Toshimaya-Brewery making Okunokami is in Higashimurayama, Tokyo. There is distance approximately 20km from Shinjuku which is the greatest downtown in Japan. There is near to approximately 30 minutes by a train.

What does everybody imagine when you heard it with Tokyo? Probably it is the imagination that a lot of buildings take.

This is a building street of Shinjuku. I live in Tokyo since I was born, but there is not so many that I see the sights of Tokyo.

Tokyo is distinguished from Special-wards-of-Tokyo in the cities, towns and villages except it. The former is the image, but the latter is the area where is different from Tokyo before the early modern times, and breeding is different. Of course there are many houses and city areas in there because it is near from Tokyo, but there is the area where there is relatively much nature such as a mountain or the field.

This is Mount Kumotori at the westernmost tip of Tokyo. There is the place far apart from such a city among them even if we say Tokyo unconditionally.

Higashi-murayama is classified in the latter, but there is the place that is relatively near in Tokyo center. This brewery is built in the residential area. In addition, the station of Higashi-murayama is close in Kawagoe with the origin of brewing of the Sake called Kagamiyama which I introduced before. It will be good to stop by incidentally when you see the sights of Kawagoe.

This is Higashi-Murayama Station. It is the station which goes when we go to Kawagoe from Shinjuku.

As for the Japanese, there are many people having the image in the local area in the Sake brewery. They are usually surprised  when I tell them this Brewery in Tokyo. But the brewery was one even at least in one town in the Edo era. They which there were in Tokyo a lot were lost by rapid urbanization. Of course it influenced that consumptions of Sake decreased.

In Tokyo, there is Ozawa brewing to make Sake named Sawanoi (澤乃井) in the west mountains. For a commoner, this is more famous. There are many people that it is imaged when asked "Sake of Tokyo".

This is  Ozawa-brewery near a mountain. It is slightly far from the downtown area, but is the place that it is easy to go for you because it is in front of a station here. Unlike a common Sake brewery, the offer of the food is provided here.

Water and the rice are important for Sake, but the western part is hilly areas in Tokyo, and there is the area where high quality underflow water is intaked. About the rice, it does not have a problem with the making of the Sake at all because it is ordered from far away now, and is made becomes common sense.

Okunokami is liquor of a little in Tokyo. However, in late years it is the Sake got well-received rapidly. I think that added value as Sake of maid in Tokyo having been known to people and good pure taste have been accepted by the Sake-fan.


Name: "Okunokami, Junmai, Origarami" (屋守、純米、おりがらみ)
Place:Toshimaya-brewery (豊島屋酒造), Higashimurayama, Tokyo
Class: Junmai
Rice: Hattan-nishiki (八反錦)
Rice polishing rate: 50% (Used for the yeast), 55% (Main)
Yeast: Unknown
Filtration: No
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: No
Other characteristics: Origarami
Alcohol content: 16%
Sake meter: 0
Acid meter: 1.6
Price: JPY 3,009 (1,800ml)
Official website:
My rating: A

This is a manual drawn the lizard in the back on. You may see lees at the bottom of the bottle.

The painting of a pretty lizard is described in a back caption.

Okunokami of the name is transcribed into "Oku (屋), no (の), Kami (守)". "no (の)" is a conjunction in Japanese.
And it becomes "Ya (屋), Mori (守)" when the reading of the Kanji (the chinese language) changes.
The word Yamori has the meaning called a lizard saying in Japan.
In addition, Japanese many as a creature protecting (守) a house (屋) according to meaning of the Kanji have a favorable impression about Yamori in Japan.


A fragrance such as the fruit was felt to me because Rice-polishing-rate was low in this Sake. If anything, it was a fragrance such as the refreshing apple and pear because this was still the new Sake,

There was the much strong Sake of the carbonic acid because the Shinshu often was still shipped in the state that yeast was active, but was not so strong in this respect. It drank from a beginning and reached the time.

By the way, about the taste, it was felt to be sweet first. Coarse taste and sharp taste characterizing Origarami stimulated my tongue later. A sharp taste finally fixed other taste and played the good end, but it was calm sweetness last that won through up to my tongue.

The balance was so good, and it was taste without words.

How to buy (or drink)

Okunokami is the Sake of Tokyo, but is not sold anywhere if it is Liquor-shop of Tokyo. This is because there is extremely little amount of production. The shop which is received regularly in that is Masushin-shop (google maps) in Ikebukuro.

There are not many even bars in the place stocking it.
When you want to drink them in the bar, please search it with the word "屋守 日本酒" in the following sites.

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