Friday, June 5, 2015

Sake No. 006 "Konna-Yoruni, Sanshouo, Jungin-Nakadori, Nama-Genshu, Shinko-545"

Hey! How is everyone?
Do yo drink dericious liquor usually?
Today, I introduce this Sake.

This is "Konna-Yoruni, Sanshouo, Jungin-Nakadori, Nama-Genshu, Shinko-545". What do you think about this label? starange? cute?
In any case will this look like the label which is not much Sake-like? A Sake of such an individual label is increasing recently so far though I did not introduce you very much.

This Sake is "Konna-Yoruni, Sanshouo, Jungin-Nakadori, Nama-Genshu, Shinko-545". There is a deformed salamander below.
Though the label is so, some name in itself of this Sake are odd. "Konna-Yoruni" of the brand means "At such a night". You drink such a Sake at such a night. Probably.

By the way, the official brand name is called Kuromatsu-Senjo, and this brand name is added to this Sake by the official name. Kuromatsu is the crowd of in the place where family name, Senjo are imminent for the brewery founders making this Sake.

In addition, "Sanshouo" is shown at Salamander in Japanese. Probably, as for the series of this brand, the name of a creature inhabiting near the brewery is acquired each. The kind includes full moon (満月), salamander (山椒魚), trout (山女), deer (鹿), snow grouse (雷鳥). The full moon is not a creature. By the way, this salamander points at Junmai-Ginjo.

"Jungin" means an abbreviation of Junmai-Ginjo to understand it from the thing. "Nakadori" means the thing of a squeezed middle stage. Therefore, the thing which is squeezed at first, and comes out is called "Arabashiri", and it is called "Seme" last to come out. I intend to supplement it by a lecture soon because this neighborhood has not yet explained it.

I skip because you do not need to write Nama-Genshu. Last Shinko-545 shows a used kind of rice. This series doesn't  usually have the supplement, but note reason is touched because this Sake is a special Sake where rice cultivated experimentally was used for.

Oops it has become so long only by the supplement of the name of Sake.

This scenery is a view near Mt.Senjo. The mountaintop is the right high place. It is a low mountain of the degrees of difficulty to be able to climb it to the mountaintop from Kitazawa-Pass which is a starting point of a mountain climb in approximately four hours in the summer.


Senjo-brewery making this Sake is in Nagano in the inland of the Japanese Islands. There is Brewery in the south side of Nagano, the place called Takato (高遠) in Ina-City (伊那) in the Ina district.

Takato is the historical castle town where a castle made for the age of civil strife was formed as a nucleus. Tourists rush when this castle is spring for celebrity nationwide as a famous place of the cherry blossom viewing. However I cannot place a photograph because I've not been to this town, but think that the photograph which you expect makes a hit a lot if you search it with the search-word "Takato cherry blossom festival".

Although I've not been to the town, but went to Mt.Senjo which the name of Brewery and the brand was derived from in last autumn. Though it is a high mountain in Japan more than 3,000m, I recommend it because it is easy to climb it for this nearby mountain. Of course climb it after fixing the equipment properly.

Therefore the water that slush of this Mt.Senjo became the underflow water is used for the Sake made in Senjo-brewery. The water filtered in the underground for a long time becomes the very delicious water. As for the making of the Sake made with only rice and water, the quality of water is one of the biggest factors. The Sake made there is good if water is delicious. Therefore some my favorite Sake are in Nagano of the mountains topography.


Name: "Konna-Yoruni, Sanshouo (Salamander), Jungin-Nakadori, Nama-Genshu, Shinko-545" (こんな夜に、山椒魚、純吟中取り、生原酒、信交545)
Place: Senjo-brewery (仙醸), Ina, Nagano prefecture
Class: Junmai-ginjo
Rice: Shinko-545 (信交545)
Rice polishing rate: 50%
Yeast: Unknown
Filtration: Yes
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: No
Other characteristics: Nakadori
Alcohol content: 17%
Sake meter: Unknown
Acid meter: Unknown
Price: JPY 3,456 (1,800ml)
Official website:
My rating: AA

There is a poem to the back right. It means "The salamander looks up at the moon at such a night, too".


The fragrance was very modest. I felt sharp translucent sweetness subtly.

When I took a sip, at first firstly I felt gorgeous acidity. The quality of the acidity was sharp, but it wasn't stinging and was comfortable. After, sweetness and a little dry taste were delayed and came over. They spread through the tongue slowly, and the acidity that stayed in from a beginning tightened all afterwards.

Probably it will be this experimental characteristic of rice. Unique acidity was the most impressive and was the taste that increased sweetness peculiar to the Sake to white wine.
Therefore I felt like matching Europe dish including the spaghetti well.

The affinity with tomato dishes is unexpectedly good. So I usually drink this Sake when I eat Europe dish.

How to buy (or drink)

Unfortunately this Sake is uncommon at the retail store. The shop which is stocked when "Konna-Yoruni-Series" is Tokyo has in particular only a few. Tokyo is stocked in Jizakeya-Kodama (google maps) in Otsuka.

There are many places where "Kuromatsu-Senjo" is put in the bar, but there are considerably few places where "Konna-Yoruni-series" is put. You should search with the word "黒松仙醸" if you want to drink "Kuromatsu-Senjo". "こんな夜に" if "Konna-yoruni".

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