Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sake No. 007 "Iwao, Nyukon-Jikagumi, Tokubetsu-Junmai, No.701, authentic"

Hello everybody. Do yo drink the dericious liquor?

Summer approached, and Japan has begun to get so muggy recently.
It is an unpleasant season, but is the season when cool beer becomes delicious.
Of course the cool Sake will be delicious too.

By the way, I introduce "Iwao, Nyukon-Jikagumi, Tokubetsu-Junmai, No. 701, authentic" this time. This is a label of a thin pink gorgeous design. It will be outstanding conspicuously in various Sake.

This is "Iwao, Nyukon-Jikagumi, Tokubetsu-Junmai, No.701, authentic". A label stands out with pinkness is impressive.
"authentic" of the last name is just written by an English word.
In addition to it, a seal written as "Authentic and Sexy" in the upper part of the bottle is completed.

When Jikagumi is the Sake with a feeling of a few carbonate that performed bottling from a direct tank, I commented, but Nyukon associated with it is not a term of the Sake anymore.

The meaning "puts my soul". I suppose that it is the meaning that the brewery laid emphasis on in particular.


Takai-Brewery where Iwao is prepared into is in southern Fujioka-shi of Gunma of North Kanto region.

Speaking of North Kanto, Tochigi and Ibaraki are to the east of Gunma, but the Sake of Tochigi is popular in that recently. Actually, there is the Sake which I like more than ten there.
However, the delicious Sake isn't a little in Gunma. Of course there are them in Ibaraki too.

There is Takai-Brewery in the place called Fujioka (藤岡) of Gunma. There was formed as a castle town in the Middle Ages and prospered in sericulture business after the Edo era. There is the Tomioka filature which is famous because sericulture business became the world heritage in Tomioka-shi of the neighborhood. There aren't the audacious remains of an ancient structure in this Fujioka-shi, but it is ever indicated that this neighborhood was a large-scale silk production place.

This is the inside of the Tomioka filature. There established in the Meiji era were innovative facilities about the silk. It is the facilities which are famous so that it is placed in the textbook of the history in Japan.
There became the satellite city of Takasaki-shi that was substantial metropolis of Gunma now, and most of the former characteristics were lost. It is City which is not so big, but the popularity is high in people living in relatively near Tokyo because there is the junction of the highway. By the way, this neighborhood is the place that is relatively familiar for me because it is the place that passes on a train of Hachiko-Line (八高線) when I travel to the Niigata or Nagano area.

This is a train of Hachiko-Line via the Fujioka city. The transport volume is a small local line, but, in the case of a trip, I sometimes get on when I go to Gunma from the west of Tokyo because it is a convenient route. I photographed this photo at Kodama (児玉) Station.


Name: "Iwao, Nyukon-Jikagumi, Tokubetsu-Junmai, No.701, authentic" (巌、入魂直汲み、特別純米、701号、authentic)
Place: Takai-Brewery (高井), Fujioka, Gunma prefecture
Class: Tokubetsu-Junmai
Rice: Miyamanishiki 81% and Gohyakumangoku 19%
Rice polishing rate: 55%
Yeast:  The Society No.701 (協会18号)
Filtration: Yes
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: No
Other characteristics: Jikagumi
Alcohol content: 17-18%
Sake meter: +1
Acid meter: 1.9
Price: JPY 2,916 (1,800 ml)
Official website: http://www.gunma-sake.or.jp/iwao/
My rating: AA

A lot of manuals are written. The part for the first half is comment of the brewery.


About the fragrance, a sweet fragrance to associate a pear swells out in my nose. It is the comfortable, soft fragrance that I want to smell forever.

When I drank one share, some carbonic acid insisted on existence because it was Jikagumi. When it was calm down, The bittersweet acidity such as the fruit and the sweetness that I am made to imagine by the fragrance spread. It was written as sexy on a seal, but was right the impression of the street.

The sweetness gradually faded away, but the acidity continued insisting till the last, and it was swallowed last in a little dry taste. It was the splendid Sake where various taste created stories. There is no sense of incongruity in substitution for the white wine because acidity is strong.
The affinity was the best when I ate with bouillabaisse.

Acidity of a Sake enhances the taste of fishery products. These are exquisite combinations.

How to buy (or drink)

There are few numbers so far like Sake which I introduced, and Iwao is Sake which it is hard to obtain. However, in late years the bars to stock continue increasing, and I think that it may become the brand of popularity sometime soon. You can buy it in Uemo-Shop (google maps) of Nerima in Tokyo.

There are relatively many places where the bar is stock, but has a hard time when you search it because it is kanji one character. Please search it with "いわお 日本酒". However still it is not complete.

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