Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sake No. 008 "Suigyoku, Muroka-Nama, Tokubetsu-jyunmai"

Hello everybody!

Tokyo enters soon in a season of the rainy season.
I come to feel slightly depressed because it is that it seems to be prolonged particularly this year. I cannot go to the favorite mountain either.
In such a case, I drink the Sake and want to switch a feeling.

By the way, The Sake which I introduce this time is "Suigyoku, Muroka-Nama, Tokubetsu-jyunmai". "Suigyoku" means the emerald.  It is the bright green that followed it on a label. The meaning of Suigyoku is emerald. It is the bright green that followed it on a label. Surely it would be named towards elegant, clear Sake such as the emerald.

This is"Suigyoku, Muroka-Nama, Tokubetsu-jyunmai". The letter of the label is green to remind of emerald.


It is Ryozeki-Brewery in Yuzawa-City (湯沢) of South Akita to produce Suigyoku. Therefore this Sake made in the Tohoku district.

Speaking of Akita, it is the prefecture which many popular Sake is made in. I skip those introductions on the next time when I enumerate the brands that there is the number because it is boundless. In addition, in a small range called this Yuzawa-city, Brewery of six places of big things and small things gathers in the first on the list in a big brewing maker called Akita-Mejo-Brewery (秋田銘醸) makes Ranman (爛漫), and there is at all a prosperous town of the Sake brewing.

By the way, about Ryozeki-Brewery in such a fierce battle ward, the brand making as the center is a thing named Ryozeki according to the name from the brewery. However, a lot of things that heat-treatment and alcohol-addition were performed in this Ryozeki are not trendy Sake now. However, they have much amount of production in attracting that it was established the uniformity around a hometown, and the factory to make them is so big.

It is a heavy snowfall area because Yuzawa is a city of the inlands in the Sea of Japan side. Considerable snow is piled up in the city area.
However, the Sake such as such Futsu-shu or Honjozo didn't gradually sell, and it was in a situation that the Ryozeki-Brewery couldn't but switch a policy.

That's why, as a thing differentiated from the conventional Sake, new brands such as Suigyoku (翠玉) and Hanamura (花邑) were born. Ryozeki-Brewary has the history and the ability that made much Sake so far. In addition the factor that they were taught how to make by Takagi-brewery (高木酒造) of famous Yamagata directly in Juyondai (十四代) made them popularity in no time, and they became the one of Sake where it was difficult to obtain it in Tokyo.

I hope for those increases in production in Ryozeki-brewery.
This is Ryozeki-Brewery lined with wooden big warehouses. The comings and goings of the person have vigor intensely at the time when the Shinshu (New Sake) is just shipped.


Name: "Suigyoku, Muroka-Nama, Tokubetsu-jyunmai" (翠玉、無濾過生、特別純米)
Place: Ryozeki-Brewery (両関酒造), Yuzawa, Akita prefecture
Class: Tokubetsu-junmai
Rice: Unknown (Made in Akita)
Rice polishing rate: 59%
Yeast: Unknown
Filtration: No
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: Yes
Alcohol content: 16%
Sake meter: Unknown
Acid meter: Unknwon
Price: JPY 1,577 (720 ml)
Official website:
My rating: AA

This is a manual. After all it is written that this is a Sake which was made while imaging emerald.


I brought a nose close to this Sake, and it was a clear refreshing sweet fragrance of the streets of the brand names first that felt. It was sweetness to feel the refreshing feel that let me imagine a melon.

By the way, how is the taste? The first impression that I when I took a sip had was the sweetness that was apt to decline a little. However, it gradually spread through the whole tongue and began to gradually insist on presence, and an impression changed completely first.

The layer of the sweetness was deep and was the taste that it was very complicated, and was interesting. I was made to imagine emerald by the mysterious, green, clear sweetness.

There were a fewer acidity and dry tastes than sweetness, but let the sweetness that they spread through converge neatly. Therefore, sweetness was the Sake of the main constituent, but was taste to drink, and not to get tired of.

It doesn't disturb the dish because Suigyoku is light sweet liquor. Therefore it is congenial to any dish.

My story

It is the end of the year of 2011 that I visited Ryozeki-Brewery. I went to the Tohoku district for a volunteer and a reconstruction aid while the horrible trace of that East Japan great earthquake disaster was left.

The outward journey was a tsunami stricken area of the Pacific side. The return journey was an inland. I bought the Sake for a return at that time as a souvenir.

This is Shizuwaga of Minamisanriku-town in Miyagi where damage in particular was heavy. Houses formed a line before a tsunami attacks it, but it is drained all now, and it becomes vacant lots.
I've already drunk many Sake those days. However, I didn't know Ryozeki-brewery because I wasn't familiar a lot with the field as now. Of course the popular Sake did not yet exist as of one such as Suigyoku or Hanamura in those days. Therefore what I visited in this Brewery was really accidental.

This is old wooden Yuzawa Station. But it was rebuilt newly now, and the taste disappeared. I was disappointed.
It snowed, and the towns of Yuzawa were piled up when I went there. I walked the town while my watching the scene, and feeling winter. I visited some Brewery which there was in the city while it snowed in my having known that it was the city that Yuzawa was made with the Sake, and was famous a little.

I liked a building of Ryozeki-Brewery where was excellent built in that and bought the slightly high-quality Sake called Setsugekka (雪月花) there. When the taste was good, I memorize it.

This is remains of Yuzawa-Castle which there was in the times in the Middle Ages. The town of Yuzawa was formed as a castle town and prospered as Shukuba-machi of the Dewa-street after the Edo era.
Three years later, when I saw "Hanamura, Junmai-ginjo" in a favorite bar, I didn't notice that it was a thing made in Ryozeki-Brewery first. I heard the waiter "Where it was a made?" because it was very delicious, and was surprised a little. I reevaluate Ryozeki-Brewery by the matter, and I drink Hanamura and Suigyoku willingly now.

This is "Hanamura, Junmai-ginjo, Nama". It is a simple design, but some fonts are odd.

How to buy (or drink)

For Ryozeki-Brewery, this Sake is still a thing of the experiment stage, and amount of production is very few. So unfortunately I don't know the shop sold in Tokyo. I don't see even a bar very much. It is sold out immediately even if I see it.

You should search with the word "翠玉 日本酒" if you want to drink "Suigyoku". "花邑 日本酒" if "Hanamura". However, I cannot guarantee the stock.

It seems to be angry at you and I am said "Why did you introduce such Sake is hard to obtain?" when I say such an irresponsible thing, but the taste is surely delicious. Please drink if, fortunately, you can meat this Sake.

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