Friday, May 22, 2015

Sake No. 002 "Kozaemon, Tokubetsu-junmai, Shinano-Miyamanishiki, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate"

Hello.It's me Yusuke.
Secondary to the last time, I introduce the Sake. Last Hiroki was the famous Sake towards the Sake enthusiast, but I introduce the known Sake of the name this time.

This Sake is "Kozaemon, Tokubetsu-junmai, Shinano-Miyamanishiki, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate" (小左衛門、特別純米、信濃美山錦、無濾過生、しぼりたて)

The acquisition is relatively easy in this Sake not having the abnormal popularity like Hiroki. Nevertheless, the taste is so good.

The popularity of the Sake often is not necessarily connected directly with taste.  A thing happens quite often that brand image leads, and popularity soars. The thing happens quite often that only the impression of the brand leads, and popularity soars.  As an example, Dassai (獺祭) comes under it itself though it is delicious

"Kozaemon, Tokubetsu-junmai, Shinano-Miyamanishiki, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate"


Kozaemon is made in the small city of a population of 38,000 people called Mizunami (瑞浪) vested in the Tono (東濃) district of East Gifu prefecture since 1702. It was an excellent production center of the ceramics, and, in this neighborhood, the ceramics spread the name in the all over Japan as Minoyaki (美濃焼) from the times in the Middle Ages. The industry is still left while reducing a number than the heyday.

However, there shows a stronger characteristic called the commuter town of Nagoya that is a huge city now. At distance of the degree not to take one hour by a train from Nagoya, there is much number, and the access is relatively good.

In addition, east body district is an area with much my favorite Sake. There is Michizakura (三千櫻), Miyozakura (御代桜) elsewhere. I'm fun when I compare by drinking them. If you go to Kiso from there, You won't be troubled with sightseeing. However, the simple highlight including the castle town in Iwamura (岩村) and Eihoji-Temple (永保寺) in Tajimi (多治見) and Ena-Gorge (恵那峡) in Ena (恵那) has much Tono near by. You can enjoy those places at will because there are not many many tourists.

This is Iwamura-castle. Iwamura is a town with much highlight in particular. By the way, there is the brewery in Iwamura, too. So this neighborhood is a nice area for the Sake enthusiast


Name: Kozaemon, Tokubetsu-junmai, Shinano-Miyamanishiki, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate (小左衛門、特別純米、信濃美山錦、無濾過生酒、しぼりたて)
Place: Nakajima-brewery (中島醸造), Mizunami, Gifu prefecture
Class: Tokubetsu-Junmai
Rice: Miyamanishiki (美山錦) Made in Nagano
Rice polishing rate: 55%
Yeast: Unknown
Filtration: No
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: Yes
Other characteristics: Shiboritate (Just squeezed)
Alcohol content: 16.5%
Sake meter: +1
Acid meter: 1.4
Price: JPY 2,800 (1,800ml)
Official website:
My rating: A


Its fragrance is not such a strong thing. A soft sweet fragrance tickles a nostril quietly slightly.

Sweetness spreads in a mouth first when I gulp it down. The quality of the sweetness is light, but sticks on a tongue firmly.

Just after, the lump of Umami (旨味, wikipedia) of the amino acid flocks at a stretch that, and those two taste of "sweetness and Umami" occupy over a tongue at a stretch. On the other hand, there were moderate acidity and dry tastes, and two taste continued staying on a tongue without being disturbed for a while. They are not at all unpleasant things, and the taste is light to the last. They take time a little and gradually fade out.

Therefore, this Sake is the things that sweetness and Umami are impressive till the last, but they are not glaring things, and the aftertaste is an unexpectedly frank thing.

It may be good to have with fish dishes in substitution for white wine, because the strong sweetness of the things is light as for the taste as for it.

This Kozaemon became the setoff of the dish, and I felt it to be particularly congenial to fishery products dish.

My story

The first encounter with me and Kozaemon dates back to several years ago. It was time when I continued a trip slowly towards the west while seeing the sights of the Tono district with Chuo Line from Tokyo then. There was often what I saw it by the lineup of the bar, but did not visit the front of it until then at an opportunity after all either. However, I asked about an opportunity because I always obtained information that this Sake was delicious when I wanted to stop at Nakajima-brewery which made Kozaemon while I saw the sights of Tono.

When I travel, I move while supplying me the Sake in a journey, and drinking. I stop at each the berewery and am with posture to ask that employee about a Sake's story, and to enjoy selection of the Sake in itself if possible. As the posture, I decided to come to the berewery this time.

Nakajima-Brewery is in the range that I can walk from Mizunami Station, and there is it in the relatively convenient place. And a signboard written as "Shiroku (始禄)" in the place that has finished crossing the Toki River meats into my eyes. "Shiroku" is the main brand which Nakajima-Brewery makes. In "Kozaemon" the name is added to the Sake of high quality in that.

Nakajima-Brewery is stand facing the river. The building is wooden it is old and is greatly powerful. The building passed for some time in this riverside for several hundred years and would see the change of the town.

Brewery was the structure that did not assume that a visitor came very much. However, He opened the shutter of the warehouse nearby with a smile when I called out to him towards the employee whom there was near. Shiroku equals various types of Kozaemon in that, and the cash register is installed in the depths, too. General way of sale facility seemed to be set.

Kozaemon has various types of things in the brewery. I am troubled with choice because anything looks delicious. Rather I want to drink all the kinds!

There was various kinds of Kozaemon, but I decided it in asking him recommendation of this time, and buying "Kozaemon, Junmai-Ginjo, Omachi, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate" to drink it for the first time. Of course the bottle of 1,800ml chose 720ml to buy it in the middle of a trip because it was too heavy.
"Kozaemon, Junmai-Ginjo, Omachi, Muroka-Nama, Shiboritate" is taste full of changes very much. I rival with a sharp taste in "dry taste and Umami" falls below the meantime. The sexy sweetness peculiar to the Omachi used rice is attractive.
You don't need to talk about the taste. I am a captive of Kozaemon since I drank it.

How to buy (or drink)

Kozaemon is the brand which begins to become popular, but can buy abnormal popularity such as Hiroki in liquor shops stocking commonly because there is not it. If you stay Tokyo, Suzuden-Shop (Google maps) close to Yotsuya Station will be easy to go. (I don't guarantee the stock)
Because there is the medium-sized bottle of 720 ml other than a big jar of 1,800 ml, how about drinking it with a family and a friend and a travelling companion?

Therefore about bar. In late years, despite a brand becoming popular, there are not many shops to sell as Hiroki.

Still, in the one wanting to drink in a bar, a shop to sell is displayed if you  search it with "小左衛門" in the following site.

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