Monday, May 25, 2015

Sake No. 003 "Kagamiyama, Tokubetsu-junmai, Omachi, Muroka-Nama-Genshu"

Hey. It's me Yusuke. How are you doing?
I can continue introducing the Sake smoothly somehow, is my sentence readable?
Even rough content should be able to reach you, but you are frank, and, please hit anger on me at time that it is incomprehensible.

A Sake which I introduce this time is "Kagamiyama, Tokubetsu-junmai, Omachi, Muroka-Nama-Genshu". First Hiroki is made in Tohoku-District, and Second Kozaemon is made in Chubu-District. Accordingly I'll introduce the Sake made in Kanto District this time. I think to write an article so that I begin blog, and production areas don't continue if possible for the time being.

About this Kagamiyama, I am partial to them unconsciously because the brewery producing it is near from Tokyo where I live in.  Probably it will not take one hour by a train from the home. So around three of them go to buy the bottle which is different in types for one year. It is imminent as much as that for me and is the Sake with the contemplation.

"Kagamiyama, Tokubetsu-junmai Muroka-Nama-Genshu"


Speaking of Kawagoe (川越) with Koedo-Kagamiyama-brewery, it is a very popular sightseeing spot for the people living in Tokyo and Kanto District. Edo where the word called Koedo named by Brewery is small. In other words it is the meaning called the castle town where old cityscape is left. Actually, there are many traditional buildings in Kawagoe.
There is the trace that greatly prospered as a distribution center of farm products harvested as a scene from the Middle Ages to the Edo era and lined with excellent old storehouses. In addition, there was prefectural seat of Iruma-prefecture which was established only for several years after the Meiji era began.

It is such Kawagoe overflowing with a tourist throughout the year, but this Sake is not known to people unexpectedly. Why is the reason? In fact, this Brewery is the newer company which was just founded in 2007. It has not yet passed for ten years after it is founded either.

Actually, the name "Kagamiyama" was a thing succeeded to by the Sake which had been ever made in Kawagoe, but first generation Kagamiyama-brewery which made it has closed in 2000. However, The local youths stood up after and revived it because many people said "I'm lonely becouse Kawagoe that is a sightseeing spot does'nt have any breweries".

This is old city street in Kawagoe. One with many buildings called "Kura, 蔵" of the structure having an excellent roof is to store a trade product in this in the Edo era. There are many such buildings in the place called the merchant town of Japan.
However, unfortunately, in used Brewery's buildings, there was never a place to make because it was converted into a tourist facility. Therefore they reached that they started production of the Sake somehow because SoysourceFactory called local Matsumoto-Soysource-Shop cooperated and lent a part of the site to them. Even if I only recite the history of a certain such twists and turns Kagamiyama, I seem to have enough. However, I go to how many degrees and Kawagoe afterward and buy it because quality of the Sake made there is splendid quality.

This is Come-on-Rakuza (醸ん楽座) with Koedo-Kagamiyama-Brewery. This building rebuilt Kura, too. There is the entrance of the stand in the depths along a street.
By the way, soy sauce is sold together in the brewery because they lodge from a soy sauce factory. Leading, as for the soy sauce here, a dark thing of the taste that the soy sauce which they made is brewed again once, and was made called Saishikomi is made. They show distinguished affinity to sashimi and sushi.

After having walked the old cityscape aimlessly, how about that you buy the Sake and soy sauce for a souvenir? And, speaking of Kawagoe, there is the sweet potato cake, too. It is the town which is not troubled to a thing to buy.

This is a state in the stands of Come-on-Rakuza. The put thing is the soy sauce center because the scale has a bigger Soysource-factory than Sake-brewery. Kagamiyama which I intended to buy is in the back refrigeration showcase.


Name: Kagamiyama, Tokubetsu-junmai ,Omachi, Muroka-Nama-Genshu (鏡山、特別純米、無濾過生原酒)
Place: Koedo-Kagamiyama-brewery (小江戸鏡山酒造), Kawagoe, Saitama prefecture
Class: Tokubetsu-Junmai
Rice: Omachi (雄町)
Rice polishing rate: 60%
Yeast: The Society No.18 (協会18号)
Filtration: No
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: No
Other characteristics:
Alcohol content: 17%
Sake meter: Unknown
Acid meter: Unknown
Price: JPY 3,564 (1,800ml)
Official website:
My rating: AA

The explanation is very very concise.


The fragrance is sweets associating the quiet calm, but the quality is very heavy. Strangely, there is refreshment, and the fragrance makes having no cares going through the nose straight look so deep. It is a sexy fragrance associating some green apples.

Umami and seetness with unique rough are mixed when I take a sip, and each insists on presence. They spread through a lot of mouths so as that they bring a fragrance of a while ago and seem to overflow. By the way, there are not acidity and most of the dry taste, but there is no lacking something.

Two tastes that they influenced in a mouth before long change into a lingering sound while gradually changing into presence of mind, some bitterness, and they continue staying on my tongue for a while.

There are many things that sweetness and the fragrance of the apple are impressive in this way in the Sake where rice of Omachi was used for, but a unique flavor is put together with Omachi of Kagamiyama and creates the characteristics that there is not elsewhere. Even if the unique view of the world is right called Kagamiyama world, there will not be it by the exaggeration!

I drank Kagamiyama with katsudon. The katsudon of salted and sweetened is very uncongenial to strong Kagamiyama of the sweetness by mismatch. The one where I drank only in the Sake is better.

My story

It is autumn three years ago that I met Kagamiyama for the first time. It was time that a New-Sake was just completed. I obtained information that there was the already delicious Sake in Kawagoe and did that I bought a Sake than sightseeing from a beginning in a purpose then.

I had seen the sights of Kawagoe several times from childhood and walked while feeling nostalgia. I thought even if "it was what lucky" because there was the brewery which made my favorite Sake in such a place.

The belfry which is a famous symbol of Kawagoe. It is an area to be able to enjoy even if a lot of interesting shops come to the neighborhood how many times here.
There is Koedo-Kagamiyama-Brewery in the place that deviated from the main route a little. There is small sale space called Come-on-Rakuza (醸ん楽座), and soy sauce is exhibited in the center there. However, I found Kagamiyama and the written bottle of the label in the depths.

When I look at the state for a while, many Sake is selling like hot cakes. I could buy it before Those were sold out.

Later, I had an opportunity to let my uncle who was an old-timer do tasting about the liquor when I was impressed in the splendid taste.

The uncle liked it and asked me for an errand when "You buy another one of them" and I would go to Kawagoe again a few days later.

This is "Kagamiyama, Junmai, Shinshu-Shiboritate" of Kagamiyama which I drank first. The taste is totally different from OMACHI which I introduced this time because used meters are different. Rice from a local called Sake-musashi (さけ武蔵) is used for this Sake and there can be a unique flavor and is delicious again. Some this is more inexpensive.

How to buy (or drink)

Kagamiyama is a not much known Sake, but there is little amount of production absolutely. So it is often sold out in a few days when regular quality is excluded.

There are few shops, but is stocked in Suzuden-Shop(Google maps) in Yotsuya, Tokyo like the last time. In addition, I think that what go is good to buy it in a sightseeing occasion if you are in Tokyo because Kawagoe is near from Tokyo. You can buy it in the brewery and can buy it in Kurari (蔵里, Google maps) of the souvenir shop of the station square. In fact, this Kurari is the thing which reused a building of first Kagamiyama-Brewery. How about when I stop by once ? There is near from Hon-Kawagoe Station.

There are very few bars stocking Kagamiyama because there is little amount of production, but It is not no. Please search it with the word "鏡山" in the following sites.

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