Friday, May 29, 2015

Sake No. 004 "Nabeshima, Tokubetsu-junmai, Kassei-Nigori, Namasake"

Hey everybody! It's me Yusuke.
I'm busy recently, and a day not to be able to readily drink the Sake continues.
I cannot buy new liquor early when I don't consume it.
However, in the case of delicious liquor, I want to drink it slowly.

By the way, it is a famous Sake to introduce this time. It is "Nabeshima, Tokubetsu-junmai, Kassei-Nigori, Namasake". Nabeshima is the brand which I still drink relatively frequently in one of the Sake which was a chance that I become the Sake enthusiast. It becomes an already brand of popularity now and becomes hard to buy them because I was recognized even before several years.

Therefore these days I chose a other delicious Sake exclusively recently. However, I wanted to drink it after a long absence, and I found an interesting thing in a liquor shop when I went to buy Nabeshima.

"Nabeshima, Tokubetsu-junmai, Kassei-Nigori, Namasake" A tag promoting attention in the upper part is turned on.
"Nigori" is Nigorizake which I commented on at the time of the lecture and is the Sake which an ingredient enters, and is cloudy. In addition to it, this Sake is called Kassei-shu (活性酒, Means "Active Sake"). It is the same as Namasake that yeast is living, but, for a characteristic, lets fermentation advance in a bottle in the case of this kind of the Sake.

The yeast uses sugar and makes alcohol. Therefore carbon dioxide releases them on this occasion though it becomes the liquor. It becomes the soda because carbon dioxide melts into the Sake. You may think that it is for the Sake of Champagne.

Of course atmospheric pressure is strengthened like champagne in the bottle. Therefore if you get a wrong how to open, most gush it, and your table will drink it deliciously. There are instructions to be outstanding in a bottle because a complaint sometimes comes to the brewery.

The ingredient of Nigori precipitates if in condition to calm down. When you drink, you shake slowly once or twice to mix an ingredient, but may drink only a clear part. How to drink is up to the person.
How to open them open out in a low temperature state for rest little by little. It is important to rest quietly. It is the same as becoming a big trouble if Coke is shaked. Similarly the low temperature is a very necessary factor.I often open unexpectedly smoothly when movement of the yeast slows down.

And I open out while letting gas little by little. Though it is a method to open after the most comfortable one making a hole with a needle to a stopper, and missing gas beforehand, in that case, I leave it and may leak in the refrigerator when I keep it. However, It is passable that you open out on a sink because it sheds it how if unlucky.

Nigorisake where is in condition that this was mixed. As can be seen, it is cloudy. We can drink without minding alcohol's dry taste because taste is thick.
An introduction has got longer.


Kashima with Fukuchiyo-Brewery is located at the west end of Tsukushi plains in Kyushu. Cultivation of rice is prosperous, and naturally this neighborhood has a lot of delicious Sake. For example, "Amabuki (天吹), Nogomi (能古見), Azumazuru (東鶴), Shichida (七田), Azumaichi (東一)". These are Saga sides, but of course there is the much delicious Sake in the Fukuoka side that is the east side. I will introduce them soon because I just traveled in last spring.

There is Fukuchiyo-Brewery in a village called Hizen-hama (肥前浜) in Kashima-city (鹿島). Hizen of Hizen-hama is the wide area place name for the range that merged Nagasaki with Saga roughly, and such a name was common before the Edo era.

In other words the wide area place name was attached to the head because Hama was the common place name to distinguish it from other local Hama. There are the most such cases in Japan. Aizu is the wide area place name, and, in the case of Aizu-bange of the place where Hiroki which I introduced is prepared into, Bange is the original place name first.

This is old station building of Hizen-hama Station. Hizen (肥前) is the wide area place name. Hama (浜) is the place name of details. "驛" means station.
By the way, Hama is a meaning called Shore simply. There is the village in the place facing the sea according to the name. There was formed as a fishing village in the Middle Ages and prospered as the center of this area as a "Shukuba (宿場町, wikipedia)" in the Edo era. However, the base characteristics are moved now in Kashima nearby.

It is a small town, but is the area where breweries crowds so that it is unusual here in the whole country. There are such six breweries between several hundred meters. You can enjoy competition for drink in various places if you go in a weekday because there is much Brewery such as the tourist facility. When you return, you will completely get drunk.

Main street of Hama where many breweries stand as for this. Excellent buildings of the Edo era and the Meiji era are seen a lot. It is the place that can enjoy even sightseeing here. However, you can enjoy the most which goes weekdays if made from breweries being closed on Saturdays and holidays.
In addition, old cityscape of the Edo era is the same figure, and this town in itself is left in the scene preservation district (重要伝統的建造物群保存地, wikipedia) because it is appointed. There is the simple town where there are not so many tourists in without being maintained, but is wonderful place letting me feel somewhere nostalgia. When I visit this town as another three times, I get drunk.

I stopped at Fukuchiyo-Brewery which made Nabeshima several times. In late years this brewery attracts attention in particular in breweries in this town.

The photograph before one is Shukuba, but the scenery of the former fishing village is left in the edge of a town. The old house having a traditional roof of thatch is slightly seen.


Name: Nabeshima, Tokubetsu-junmai, Kassei-Nigori, Namasake (鍋島、特別純米、活性にごり、生酒)
Place: Fukuchiyo-Brewery (富久千代酒造), Kashima, Saga prefecture
Class: Tokubetsu-Junmai
Rice: Yamadanishiki (山田錦) and  Saganohana (佐賀の華)
Rice polishing rate: 55%
Yeast: Unknown
Filtration: No
Heat treatment: No
Water addition: Yes
Other characteristics: Kassei, Nigori
Alcohol content: 15-16%
Sake meter: +5
Acid meter: 1.6
Price: JPY 2,862 (1,800ml)
Official website:
My rating: B (BB "After the time has passed")

The manual is concise.


There are few fragrances, but is sweets reminding of fruit. It is a refined fragrance.

And I took a sip. Naturally a bubbly wild carbonic acid stimulated my tongue first because it is Kasseishu. The sweetness is felt slightly by the depths, but I receive an impression giving in to other taste. It is taste such as the desert if I say because the impact of the carbonic acid is considerably strong with the Sake of the impression that is dry taste.

In the case of Nigori, the added flavor in the course of the brewing of rice is one of the charm, but is not the thing which is comfortable just to be gritty about this Sake.

Rather the which I drank after I put time, and some carbonic acid fall out becomes slightly delicious. However, still the rough touch of rice continues staying on a tongue and changes into bitterness finally. There is predominantly in comparison with usual Nabeshima little Umami.

There was a much favorite Sake in Kasseishu, but this Sake was not slightly good enough without swelling of the taste being felt. I made up my mind to drink delicious "Nabeshima, Junmai-ginjo, Namasake" passably when I drank on the next time.

I think that sashimi or sushi and affinity are good because I don't feel it that much, as for the sweetness. The taste is thick, but is the thing which does not disturb a meal.

My story

As previously described, it is one of the liquor which made me a Sake enthusiast. The encounter of me and Nabeshim is time when I drank from the uncle who is a teacher in the whole Liquor rather than the Sake. It was Nabeshima, Junmai-ginjo, Namasake delicious commonly then to have drunk. Thereafter, it had many things more than Ginjo that I bought.

When I drank in a bar, there was much Nabeshima. "What kind of Nabeshima is available today?" I asked a salesclerk it in the opening first. "I had orange labels of Nabeshima today" even if I said nothing soon, the salesclerk told it.

Then would I really drink Nabeshima dozens of times? I like "Nabeshima, New-moon" which is Shinshu in particular. I like what's called which rice was used for Aiyama (愛山) with unique sweetness. I like relatively inexpensive, delicious "Ura-Nabeshima (裏鍋島)".

However, it was long silence because the Sake which, besides, was delicious gained power recently. Therefore my this opportunity is interregnum really since one year ago for that matter.

This is Ura-Nabeshima. Ura means the underside. So you will understand that the letter of the label turns over. This Sake called the extra stand, and is the thing of the position. It is the Sake which is satisfactory drinking very much because various kinds of parts that the taste is especially thick squeezed last are blended. It is hard to obtain this, but is favorite one of me.
It was what I understood later, but I seemed to have drunk this Kassei-Nigori only once in old days. I had the thing pointed out when I told what I bought to my uncle. Probably, "I don't remember well" will be that the impression in particular was not left about the taste either.

The story when I went to Fukuchiyo-Brewery thinks to write it, when I introduce delicious Nabeshima next.

This is Fukuchiyo-Brewery. This is old and is a small building, but a big factory is built in the depths.

How to buy (or drink)

It is the Sake with the popularity like Hiroki, but it is not so difficult to buy a bottle because there is relatively much quantity of production. However, there are few shops to sell unexpectedly. It is Machidaya (Google maps) of Nakano to be famous in that. It is inconvenience slightly far from the station, but you do your best, and endure it.

Naturally there are many places stocked in a bar. A lot of shops stocking will come out if you search it with "鍋島" in the following sites. It is mellow, but it is recommended to drink in a bar because there is much liquor in accord with a dish.

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